Publisher description
Diplodock Biorhythms Studio II lets you graph four biorhythm cycles: intuitive, intellectual, emotional, and physical in your choice of color. You can then save the graph in either a small *.bs2 file, or export it to a *.gif or *.bmp file formats, or print it out at your option. Diplodock Biorhythms Studio II can also calculate the coincidence of critical days of specified rhythms. In addition, it lets you fully customize the graph by letting you select starting date, duration, and many other options. With this software, you can compare your biorhythms with biorhythms of another person, and check for their compatibility. This program will also accurately interpret and perform the detailed analysis of your biorhythm phases and critical days. Finally, it has an extensive help system, which can provide you with necessary information regarding biorhythms and the use of this software.
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